Causes of Dry Eye
There are many causes that can contribute to dry eyes, and dry eye disease. Fortunately, we have many ways to evaluate and measure dry eyes to help find the best treatment available. Computer Use-Reducing Blink Rate: Computers and Smart Phones are amazing tools in our lives, keeping us connected and informed at an alarming rate, but all of that screen time is tough on our tears. When we are staring at our screens, our blinking is reduced, or non existant. When using a computer we tend not to blink as often because we are constantly refocusing our eyes.This causes the eyes to dry out, become red, tired and irritated. Become conscious of your blinking during screen time, make sure to blink, and look away from your screen every 10-20 minutes to give your eyes a break.
Meibomeian Gland Dysfunction
The meibomeian glands are located on the upper and lower eyelids. These glands can become clogged or capped with waxy, oily buildup. Once these glands clog up, the eye can no longer secrete the clear, liquid oil that keeps the eye moist, and prevents the watery part of the tears from evaporating too quickly. Hot Compresses or a Bruder Mask can help clear the blocked glands, and we recommend Occusoft Lid Scrubs to help remove debris and bacteria.
Blepharitis refers to inflammation of they eyelids, particularly at the lid margins. Bacteria is on the surface of everyone’s skin, but in certain individuals, bacteria thrives on the skin at the base of the eyelashes. The irritation may increase oil production, causing dandruff-like scales and particles to form on the lashes and lid margins. For some people the scales or bacteria associated with blepharitis produce only minor irritation and itching, but in others it may cause redness, stinging or burning. Some people may develop an allergy to the scales or to the bacteria which surround them. This can lead to more serious complications, especially inflammation to other eye tissues, particularly the cornea.