X-Chrome Contact Lenses
What Are X-Chrome Color Vision Enhancement Lenses?
They are specialty contact lenses that are changing the way color deficient people see and live in a revolutionary way. The lenses are designed to significantly improve color discrimination in color deficient users, allowing them to fulfill many occupational, leisure and educational goals, previously unattainable.
Is Color Vision Deficiency Genetic?
Regardless of a genetic link, color vision deficiency may also be acquired. Loss of color vision can result from conditions such as diabetes or glaucoma, or as a result of taking certain medications. In addition, environmental factors such as industrial pollutants and sunlight have been linked to colorblindness.
Will I Get Perfect Color Vision?
While the lenses do not give the wearer perfect color vision, they allow people who have trouble distinguishing colors to see differences that previously looked similar. These new color enhancement lenses also allow patients to match colors. People with normal vision have substances in the cones of their eyes that take in light and process color. Such substances are missing or altered in people with color-deficient vision. Complete color blindness is rare; although most people can see color but have difficulty distinguishing between some colors or shades of colors.